Sample lesson for teachers interested in the Quotationals® Quote Bee and Quips™ Learning System.
Category: Education
Uploaded by: Quotationals
Hosted: youtube
Sample lesson for teachers interested in the Quotationals® Quote Bee and Quips™ Learning System.
Category: Education
Uploaded by: Quotationals
Hosted: youtube
The first-ever Quotationals® Quote Bee took place at Cal State San Bernadino on Saturday, May 29, 2010. The annual Quotationals® Quote Bee is a first-of-its-kind K-8th competition centered around quote memorization and the speeches, works of literature, and personalities that made them.
Category: Education
Uploaded by: Quotationals
Hosted: youtube
Quotationals® is a wisdom-based approach to learning. The program is comprised of an annual quote bee, student-submitted quote contest, after school club, and social networking components. The Quotationals® Quote Bee is the anchor of our program where K-12 students compete in rote memorization similar to a traditional spelling bee. The event is hosted by a local university that provides tours and tutors to bring college life to our families. Quips™, our after school club, prepares students for the bee and uses Socratic discussion to develop deeper understanding and articulation of thought. Family Nights extend this discourse in a coffee shop atmosphere that begins in school and continues at home. Our Submit-A-Quote Contest enables students to submit original quotations that we upload to Facebook and archive in our website of over 200,000 quotes.
The goal of Quotationals® is simple: To blur the lines between the classroom, college, and community.
Quotationals® is the first program that organically and adequately introduces wisdom to all learners. Our content is as old as the graffiti etched on Egyptian pyramids and as comprehensive as to include Plato, Mother Jones, and our own students. Parents move from passive audience to willing participants. Conversations are changing at home. Teachers and administrators from different sites band together to discuss pedagogy and content. College volunteers are inspired to inspire. Children think under pressure and now regularly reflect aloud in class. Quotationals® is creating a community of empowered parents, students, and teachers to change how we teach the next generation.
Category: Education
Uploaded by: Quotationals
Hosted: youtube
1st Annual Quotationals® Quote Competition
Santiago Almazan and his mother Sonia after a very intense competition.
Category: Education
Uploaded by: Quotationals
Hosted: youtube