2014 Student-Created Quotes

2014 Submit-A-Quote Winners

1st Place
Don’t make fun of others.
God didn’t laugh when he made you.
>Flor Galindo<
4th Grade, Salinas Elementary, SBCUSD

2nd Place
The darkness is how you follow,
the light is how you lead.
>Alana Allard<
4th Grade, Seneca Elementary, MVUSD

3rd Place
It is not easy to do something,
but it feels better to have accomplished it.
>Saida Diaz<
6th Grade, Norton Elementary, SBCUSD

Honorable Mentions

“Our secret weapon are our minds”
Kyler Dorsey, Salinas Elementary

“If you gain a little,
save it up and you will earn something big.”
Ivan Jimenez. Seneca Elementary

“God gave me feet,
so I decided to walk them toward my dreams.”
Natalia Prandini, Seneca Elementary

“Those who sleep through life
will awaken to failure.”
Adrew Almada, Salinas Elementary

Top 10s: Top 10 Latin Quotes





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Top 10 Latin Quotes

List compiled by Q.



In vino veritas.

“There is truth in wine.”

>Pliny the Elder<



Si vis pacem, para bellum.

“If you wish for peace, prepare for war.”




  Bonis nocet quisquis malis perpercit.

“Whoever spares the bad injures the good.”

>Publius Syrus<



Homines quod volunt credunt.

“Men believe what they want to.”

>Julius Cesar<



Ne sutor supra crepidam.

“Shoemaker, not above the sandal.”




Fabas indulcet fames. 

“Hunger sweetens the beans.”



Philosophum non facit barba.

“The beard does not constitute a philosopher.”




Cineri gloria sera est.

“Glory paid to ashes comes too late.”




Dulce bellum inexpertis. 

“War is sweet for those who haven’t experienced it.”




Tempus edax rerum.

“Time devours all things.”



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